Whitbourne Garden Society – Dahlias Blooming Gorgeous

Wednesday 20th March 2024 – 7pm – at Whitbourne village hall.

Robin Pearce retired as a nurseryman, having run a wholesale nursery supplying garden centres, garden designers and National Trust Gardens with herbaceous plants for 20 years. He continues to grow a very wide range of hardy plants, with a special interest in dahlia, hosta, hemerocallis, pulmonaria, Galanthus, woodland plants, ornamental grasses, and hardy ferns. Robin is the former chair of the RHS Herbaceous Plant Committee, RHS Floral judge, exhibitor, and speaker.

Robin’s love of dahlias was kindled on childhood holidays to his great-uncle Bill Selby’s market garden. It was Bill Selby who gave Robin his first dahlias that were suitable for showing, it was not long before he was showing at the RHS Halls Westminster and becoming a national champion. His interest is now on dahlias for garden display and the RHS Dahlia trials at RHS Wisley.

Today Robin combines his lifelong sport of rock climbing and mountaineering with his passion for exploring wildflowers growing in their natural environment.

Bromyard Choral Society – Concert

Sunday 25 February 2024 – 3pm – at Whitbourne village hall.

Bromyard Choral Society are holding a concert of contemporary and gospel music, with the proceeds going to Whitbourne church.

Everyone welcome. Purchase your tickets (CASH ONLY) at the village shop. The cost is £8.00 which includes a cream tea.

Whitbourne Garden Society

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held Wednesday, 21st February at 7pm in Whitbourne Village Hall. 

Special guest – Terry Green who will be talking all things hedgehog, and how we can make them feel more at home in our gardens.

NEW MEMBERS are always welcome to join us. Annual Membershipcosts just £5 or join us as a guest for £3 on the night.

If anyone has a trophy from last year’s produce show please bring it along to the AGM so that engraving can be arranged.

Christmas Food Parcels

Referrals needed by 1st Dec

Once again this year Bromyard Foodbank & Money Advice Centre (‘the Foodbank’) has been funded by Bromyard Relief in Need (‘BRiN’) to provide Christmas Food Parcels in the local parishes of Bromyard, Winslow, Brockhampton, Linton and Norton. We also have some additional funds that enable us to extend this to other parishes in Herefordshire close to Bromyard.

BRIN and the Foodbank have the same objective: to help those who are in poverty or financial need. Both charities support the residents of Bromyard and, in the case of the Foodbank, the surrounding villages within Herefordshire throughout the year.

The food parcels that we will be preparing are for individuals and / or families that live in the designated area and who are a natural fit to benefit from BRIN and the Foodbank and in the first instance we are asking you to get in touch with details of households whom you believe meet these criteria and whom you would like us to help at this time.  

While we would like to support as many households as possible our resources are limited; time is also of the essence. So, if you would like to refer a household to us for consideration, can you please get in touch by no later than 01 December. In the first instance please email me at [email protected] and let me have a number on which to contact you. We will need from you a name, address and contact number for the proposed recipient(s) together with details of the family unit (number of adults, children (plus ages) and pets). All information provided will be held on a confidential basis in accordance with Data Protection principles and once a final determination is made we will confirm to you and contact the household.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely

Jan Rothwell



CPR and Defibrillator training

Thursday 30th November 2023, 7 – 9 pm

Whitbourne Village Hall

Course will include –

  • How to call for help in an emergency
  • How to help an unconscious casualty – the recovery position
  • How to recognise a suspected heart attack
  • How to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
  • The role of the defibrillator (AED)
  • What to do if someone is choking
  • How to deal with severe bleeding

The course is sponsored by Whitbourne Parish Council, run by Herefordshire HeartStart, and is free of charge to participants.

Please contact Mike Hogg [email protected] to book your place (subject to availability).

Off-gas? Unaffordable bills?

Apply for fully-funded energy- saving home improvements

You should apply if you have:
✔ No connection to mains gas for your heating
✔ Live in Herefordshire
✔ An inefficient home that you own or privately rent

✔ A household income under £31,000 per year

For energy efficiency improvements tailored to your home and funded by the government’s Home Upgrade Grant, apply today with Severn Wye.

0800 170 1432


Bereavement Service

A free and confidential service run by Victim Support for anyone who has been bereaved by suicide, supporting anyone from age 4+ (relevant DBS checks are in place), going beyond family members to include friends, colleagues and so on – it does not matter when they were bereaved, it could have been yesterday or 10 years ago. The support is tailored to an individual’s needs and works closely with a number of other charities and organisations in Herefordshire.

Christmas at Whitbourne

Sunday 3rd December – 3.00pm – Whitbourne Village Hall & Green

Christmas at Whitbourne

Mince Pies, Mulled Wine & small gift for children

Prize for best decorated Christmas hat

Coronation Tree Planting 3pm

Carols & Christmas Tree switch-on 4pm